Talisk Floating Offshore Wind Farm, 500 MW
Æge Energy was commissioned by Magnora Offshore Wind to carry out electrical system optioneering and establish a concept design for the inter-array cable system, on/offshore substations and export cable system as input to concept selection and environmental impact assessments. The 500 MW floating Talisk offshore wind farm project area is situated 35 kilometers offshore from Western Isles, and has a cable landfall at Stornoway.
Hva vi har gjort
- Overall electrical system design and modelling
- Provision of SLD and layout drawings
- Inter-array layout and design
- On/offshore export cables route optioneering and design
- Landfall optioneering and selection
- Onshore substation constraints mapping, site selection and design
- Offshore substation site selection and design
- Techno-Economic analysis
- Grid integration and interfaces
- Grid connection agreement